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Digital Bloom

Page history last edited by Richard Pountney 11 years, 12 months ago

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This page pulls together information about Digital Bloom - the Digital Bloom event in the Winter Gardens in July 2012 and the Digital Bloom online version which currently under development.


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This page will inform activities within the Digital Bloom strand (as mapped onto "DeFT jobs" discussed at the 16 March team meeting


Themes/ work strands

Tasks involved

Key Milestones

Persons responsible*


6. "Digital Bloom" showcase

1.   Develop "Digital Bloom" installation for Sheffield Children's Festival

  • Liaise with technical partner to develop specification for the installation, key milestones, haptic interface, and user testing etc 
  • Create guidance on submitting materials to the installation
  • Liaise with Sheffield Children's festival to prepare the afternoon event accompanying the exhibition of the installation (on 10th July 2012)
  • Disseminate information about the installation, develop promotional material and engage public
  • Commission PGCE students and others to curate the pod during the festival

2.   Develop cloud version of "Digital Bloom"

  • Liaise with technical partner to develop specification for cloud version of the installation
  • Disseminate information about the cloud version of the installation via project networks
  • Capture involvement with "Digital Bloom"

3.   Arrange for exhibition of "Digital Bloom" in 1 or 2 other locations

  • identify possible locations (SHU, TOUS?) and check availability and costs etc. 
  • liaise with Art in the Park (owners of the Cube pod) to check for pod availability
  • identify alternatives to the Cube if not feasible

31 Mar: Technical partners role confirmed

30 Apr: Final technical specification agreed

31 May: DB open to DeFT schools

 - Beta version of DB for the festival and the cloud

- Dissemination via SCF finalised

30 Jun: DB exhibit at SCF finalised

31 July: DB at alternative locations

30 Aug: Create DB story including public reaction and incorporate into OT

30 Sep: Showcase the installation at conference

- Report on DeFT in "Digital Bloom" included in project final report (with an emphasis on issues related to DL/OER)


AG to lead involvement of technical partners and graphic artist and coordinate

RP to assist with spec. and metaphor


Digital Bloom is becoming a central metaphor for the project, including the visual identity of the project (DL as a meadow of flowers, individual responses to DL as the petals of a flower etc). This will also inform the functionality of the Open Textbook: i.e. it will be a central theme of the user interface (e.g. a menu of flower types, banners and icons to have a flower theme)





Kinect as gestural interface for Digital Bloom (see info on Kinect)

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